Build better Jetpack Compose apps with Sentry

Sentry’s out-of-the-box integration with Jetpack Compose allows you to quickly identify and resolve errors and performance issues in your Android applications. Here’s how to get started.

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Flying with Jetpack Compose

In conclusion, while Jetpack Compose offers many benefits for building native Android UI, it comes with a steep learning curve and some performance issues. Sentry can help developers get started with Jetpack Compose. As outlined in this article, developers can easily integrate Sentry into their Jetpack Compose applications to capture errors and exceptions, add custom context and tags, get alerted on File I/O issues on the main thread, and utilize performance monitoring. With Sentry, teams can ensure that their Jetpack Compose apps are performing optimally and delivering a great user experience.

If you’d like to learn more about what Sentry can do for your application, feel free to visit the documentation, or check out our Sandbox, which is a fully functional version of Sentry that you can play with.

Lazar Nikolov is developer relations advocate at Sentry.

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