
JavaScript | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos

Letterpress, TypeScript
abstract network

Prisma, prism, glass pyramid

Prisma.js: Code-first ORM in JavaScript

Get a hands-on tour of the leading JavaScript object-relational mapping tool, which you can use with MongoDB and traditional databases.

birthday cake candles

All the new features in ECMAScript 2023 (ES14)

JavaScript continues to evolve, with a nice batch of new features added in ECMAScript 14. Here's what's new for JavaScript developers this year.

Matryoshka /Russian nesting dolls > inheritance / sequencing / hidden layers

Intro to Nest.js: The higher-order JavaScript and TypeScript server

Nest.js shines for its modern programming paradigms and modular approach to server-side JavaScript and TypeScript. Here's a hands-on intro.

Reactive programming, event streams

What is reactive programming? Programming with event streams

You could say reactive programming is like functional programming with superpowers. Let's take a look at this dynamic programming style.

HTTPS prefix in a web browser's search/address field

Deno unveils faster, simpler web server API

The Deno.serve() API promises significant performance benefits and allows developers to create a web server with a single line of code.

A fishing lure with multiple hooks baits a binary stream. [fraud / phishing / social engineering]

8 more React hooks you need to know about

useState is the most well-known hook for using functional components in React, but it's just a start. Here are eight more React hooks, and how to use them.

race fast racing horses shutterstock 1399280570

Rising C++ closes in on C language

C++ has surpassed Java and may soon eclipse C, according to the Tiobe index of programming language popularity. Cobol is back in the top 20.

thumbs up multicultural

3 Python web frameworks for beautiful front ends

Want to generate interactive websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while programming in nothing but Python? One of these frameworks could do the trick.

two hands holding puzzle pieces

Reactive JavaScript with Stable Diffusion

Use React and the Stable Diffusion API to build a reactive application that generates images from user-submitted text.

shutterstock 1361674454 JavaScript Hello code in programming text editor

ECMAScript 2023 spec for JavaScript finalized

ECMAScript 2023 adds new methods for searching and changing arrays, allows symbols to be used as WeakMap keys, and standardizes support for hashbang grammar.

rocket launch clouds startup new business sky bright idea

Bun.js creator Jarred Sumner talks tech, funding, and startups

Launched in 2022, Bun.js is rapidly evolving into the new, all-in-one server-side JavaScript runtime.

High-speed train tunnel / motion blur / speed / motion / forward progress / future / what's next

Svelte 4 shrinks code footprint, compiled output

Upgrade reduces Svelte package size by 75%, produces smaller and faster hydration code, and lays the groundwork for Svelte 5.

Blazing fast - runner on fire

Bundling with the Bun.js bundler

Bun.js is the drop-in replacement for Node that now comes with a blazingly-fast bundler. Here's a first look at bundling with Bun.js.

rust king iron bronze crown royal queen

Rust most admired language, Stack Overflow survey says

Stack Overflow 2023 Developer Survey finds that JavaScript and Python are the most used and most desired languages, but they fall far short of Rust in satisfying their users.

Letterpress, TypeScript

TypeScript 5.1 production release arrives

TypeScript upgrade soothes pain points with easier implicit returns for undefined-returning functions and greater type flexibility for getters and setters.

Color palette

Bootstrap 5.3.0 emphasizes dark mode, custom colors

Bootstrap 5.3.0 mobile-first web framework features a revamped core, improving support for dark mode and color mode features.

Flowers, celebration, surprise

Latest Deno release supports NPM packages

Deno 1.34 improves NPM and Node.js compatibility and adds support for Globs, TLS certificates, and more.


Angular users want better server-side rendering

Angular Developer Survey 2022 marks server-side rendering, testing, debugging and profiling, component authoring format, and initial load performance as key areas for improvement.

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