R tip: Keep your passwords and tokens secure with the keyring package

R tip: Keep your passwords and tokens secure with the keyring package

Saving tokens and passwords in an R environment variable means they’re stored in an unencrypted, clear text file. With the keyring package, your credentials are more secure

How to add sparklines to R tables

How to add sparklines to R tables

When you want to visualize results in each row—such as when each row of data is a trend over time—you can do that inside a new table column with mini inline graphs called sparklines

Do more with R: drag-and-drop ggplot

Do more with R: drag-and-drop ggplot

A new R package creates a simple graphical user interface for ggplot2—and it generates R code for the visualization you create

Reshape data in R with the tidyr package

Reshape data in R with the tidyr package

See how the tidyr R package’s gather and spread functions work. Plus a bonus look at labeling in ggplot2 with the directlabels package