David Linthicum

David S. Linthicum is an internationally recognized industry expert and thought leader. Dave has authored 13 books on computing, the latest of which is An Insider’s Guide to Cloud Computing. Dave’s industry experience includes tenures as CTO and CEO of several successful software companies, and upper-level management positions in Fortune 100 companies. He keynotes leading technology conferences on cloud computing, SOA, enterprise application integration, and enterprise architecture. Dave writes the Cloud Computing blog for InfoWorld. His views are his own.

What happens when finops finds bad cloud architecture?

The shortcomings of serverless computing

The shortcomings of serverless computing

Serverless computing is a popular approach for cloud-based applications, but it's not the best fit in every case. Too often serverless fails to deliver business value.

3 meta career paths for cloud computing

3 meta career paths for cloud computing

There are three main career options for most cloud pros: consulting, working in industry, or with a cloud vendor. Are you on the right road for you?

The digital divide, rural businesses, and cloud computing

The digital divide, rural businesses, and cloud computing

Rural businesses lack easy access to high-speed internet and thus cloud-based resources, causing vast disadvantages that affect the overall economy.

Centralized cloud security is now a must-have

Centralized cloud security is now a must-have

Cloud security is largely siloed by cloud provider. Enterprises are demanding strategic approaches for complex distributed multicloud deployments.

The looming battle over where generative AI systems will run

The looming battle over where generative AI systems will run

Putting AI on cloud versus on-premises systems may seem like a simple decision, but it's much more complex (and potentially expensive).

How to tell if your cloud finops program is working

How to tell if your cloud finops program is working

A solid finops process can keep the CFO's team happy and everyone out of jail. Too many enterprises lack a formal program, and it's time to get on board.

You can’t run away from technical debt

You can’t run away from technical debt

Like student loans and credit card balances, technical debt is holding you back or even killing your business. Unfortunately, the cloud can't always save you.

Cloud may be overpriced compared to on-premises systems

Cloud may be overpriced compared to on-premises systems

Cloud was the go-to choice for the past five years, but we could see traditional systems become more viable. Savvy architects consider all the options.

The tug-of-war between optimization and innovation in the CIO’s office

The tug-of-war between optimization and innovation in the CIO’s office

Should budget go to innovations or fixing existing systems so they don’t bankrupt you? The future of your business may ride on the answer.

The lost art of cloud application engineering

The lost art of cloud application engineering

AI-driven coding is now in wide use, but we may not know all the risks of using it until the damage has been done. Think security problems and code that wastes resources.

The downsides of microservices architecture

The downsides of microservices architecture

Microservices came in with a great deal of momentum a few years ago, but now we’re seeing their drawbacks for applications on cloud platforms.

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